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World No Tobacco Day 31th May

until when Indonesia will have mercy on the cigarette ?

If the smokers consider the cigarette is human rights, then it must be ensured that the rights of others for a breath of fresh air is not disturbed. Indonesia is considered less firmly protect the rights to the fresh air and more shame on cigarettes.

In the various International Forums that discuss the dangers of cigarettes and tobacco, Indonesia is often obscured because it does not agree on Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (FTCT) or International Agreement on Tobacco Control. More painful yet, INDONESIA as the only countries of ASEAN and ASIA Pacific that did not ratify the FCTC is also often obscured. (Other countries that have not signed, among others: Andora, Monaco, Eritrea, Somalia, Turkmenistan and Zimbabwe).

As was the case in the 15th World Conference on Tobacco or Health (WCTOH) in Singapore, the satire come from ASEAN Secretary-general Surin Pitsuwan. Though not overtly describe Indonesia, but the satire is boisterous laughter greeted thousands of conference attendees.

"All ASEAN countries I guess had agreed about tobacco control, except ... Ah, I don't want to call his name", said Surin who daily based in the ASEAN secretariat in Jakarta.

Actually what the sin Indonesia by not ratify FCTC,  until must have to bully in every international meeting about tobacco?

Various scientific studies have proved, cigarettes are responsible for various kinds of cancer and chronic diseases such as diabetes and heart disorders. The impact of the most widely found is a respiratory disorder, ranging from infectious tuberculosis (TB) to lung cancer.

A book called The Tobacco Atlas 4th Edition has just been released, revealing the victims were killed by diseases related to cigarette has reach 100 million people throughout the 20th century. Expected in the 21st century, the number will be increased up to 1 billion people!

Not only the adult smokers who become victims, children who have not known the cigarette also felt the impact as passive smoking or second hand smoker. Of the entire population of children around the world, an estimated 40 per cent involved inhaling cigarette smoke.

According to the book compiled by Michael Eriksen, Judith Mackay and Hana Ross, conditions in Indonesia is bad. The percentage of children who are exposed to cigarette smoke reaches 64,7%, even foreign media a couple of times to preach the children Indonesia is addicted to cigarettes as happened in Sukabumi not long ago about a boy named Adi Inspiration 8 years old but already smoking.

This condition was also not better when viewed by number of cigarettes consumed. If cigarette consumption around the world reached 6 million cigarettes each year, one family in Indonesia could spend an average of 1,870 cigarettes every year.

A matter of price, cigarettes in Indonesia including the least expensive with an average of US $ 1,4 or about  12.000 IDR  per packet and that can still be purchased in retail. The Tobacco Atlas, the people of Indonesia referred to the need to work for only 4 minutes to get 1 cigarettes.

In fact, in many countries, cigarette taxed fairly high that the prices are not reached by the middle-low economy. For example in the USA cigarette price reached us $ 12 or around 110,000 IDR every rices . In Egypt, smoking wear shisha taxable 100 percent and cigarettes ordinary taxed amounting to 75 percent.

Not to mention the issue of the inclusion of the pictorial warnings. Instead of fulfilling the recommendations of 15th WCTOH i.e. roughly 75 percent of cigarette packaging, a new Government could require the inclusion of a written warning which sometimes means not caught by children and illiterate.

According to Bloomberg, currently recorded Philantropies existing 174 countries that agreed to the FCTC to protect a more human than smoking, i.e. for a breath of fresh air. According to recommendation WCOTH, expected on the 15th by 2015 all countries have ratified the FCTC.

Source : detikHealth


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