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Top 7 Sms Replacement Application

1. BlackBerry Messenger
BlackBerry Messenger a.k.a BBM chat application is one of the most popular in Indonesia. Special applications for BlackBerry phones can not only be used to send the message, but also the image and sound.

2. WhatsApp
WhatsApp can say as a cross platform chat application is very popular. This software is also increasingly triumphant after bundled into many different types of Nokia phones. However, unlike a FUEL requires the user to subscribe to a particular package, to wear Your pretty subscription package WhatApp internet already almost offered all operators

3. iMessage

iMessage newly introduced since the emergence of the iOS 4, so it is still relatively new. But with the number of users of iPhone applications is increasingly popular.

4. Line

This application is not much different to WhatsApp, but there are some advantages of simple interest. Line had 255 emoticons funny. Fun again, this application can also make phone calls just by making use of internet access.

5. Yahoo Messenger

Initially Yahoo Messenger (YM) is only available for computers, but has slowly started to crawl into the realm of smartphones. The great thing this app could be more widely used, no matter Your smartphone user or featured phone.

6. Skype
These applications are known to make a phone call and the video, but it turns out that Skype is also quite fun to use to chat. Another advantage of this application is available dibanyak mobile phone platforms and computers.

7. Facebook Messenger

Indeed, Facebook Messenger only provides service between fellow citizens of Facebook chat. But with so many users in Indonesia makes this application could be an option as a medium chit-chat with friends.


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