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Make a Pizza

Pizza was thought of in Italy but traveled across the atlantic to begin in the U.S,it has now become a popular type of food, it can go with almost anything and creating your own could taste better than the ones you buy in the shop. This article will give you 2 different ways of creating your pizza, one method is faster than the other!

* Dough or premade dough
* Tomato paste
* Pepperoni
* Cheese
* Any other toppings you want.
* Olive oil(Optional)

Oven Method (Slower)
1. Preheat your oven to about 180c or 350F. (C=Celsius F=Fahrenheit.)
2. Buy ready-made pizza bases,. If you have plenty of time, then you can just get dough.
3. Spread tomato paste on your pizza base. .
4. Add a sprinkling of cheese.
5. Add any other toppings that you might enjoy
6. Place your pizza on an oven tray sprayed with olive-oil, so that the pizza doesn’t stick.
7. Put your pizza in the oven, and turn it down to about 160C or 320F degrees. #Take it out after about 15 – 25 minutes, depending on your oven. Use your own judgment to tell when the pizza is ready. The cheese should be a golden brown, but it should not be burnt.
Grill Method (Faster)
1. Spread the sauce all over the tortilla but you might want to leave a little crust around the edge.
2. Put on your toppings and arrange.
3. Grate the cheese over the pizza.
4. Simply put it under the grill. Be careful not to get burned and your pizza could sizzle and pop because of the common bubbles in the pizza crust.
5. Take it out after three minutes, it should be done!
Wood-fired oven method (Even faster)
1. Get your pizza base, it can be any sort, although it can’t be more than 2 cms thick.
2. Place your tomato base and toppings on.
3. Make sure your Wood-fired oven is very hot for the best pizza ever and to help the pizza cook faster.
4. Put your pizza into the oven, preferably on a tray so the base does not burn.
5. Turn your pizza every 30 seconds for two minutes, and at the 1:30 mark take it off the tray. Now your pizza should be done.
6. Take your pizza out and enjoy!

My Opinion : described above is an easy way to make pizza. I think everyone can try to make pizza at home after reading this article. indeed it all depends on our skill in cooking. but it never hurts to try making your own pizza, who knows it could be an opportunity to become an entrepreneur pizza.

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