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8 Interesting Fact Shaun The Sheep Movie

Shaun the sheep is an animated children's tv series broadcast by MNC TVs and B-Channel
Recently disclosed that the movie Shaun The Sheep very popular by various circles of young people up to the old. Especially adolescents today also so tetariknya with this cartoon movie. in fact, the film was entertaining various backgrounds from the old to the young.

Shaun The Sheep first appeared on television in 1995 in the film A Close Shave with characters Wallace and Gromit the dog. Duration is only four minutes but makes one a lot like it. And since then, Shaun has his own TV show on the BBC-created by Aardman production studio.

Here are some interesting things from the process of making :Behind The Scene" animation Shaun The Sheep :
1. The making of story time 
An episode of story ideas that are simple. Those ideas were submitted on the team scriptwiters to be processed into a good story.Then submitted on storyboard artist to make the story line, this phase also helps set dressers, prop-makers, model-makers, riggers and cameramen to prepare for taking pictures and whatever it takes.

2. Preparation of a scene

The grass on the farm purchased from hobby center, painted green to get the grass pattern fitting, coupled with grass reeds and flowers aster. Small black clots also spread out to get the effect of sheep dung. The grass was then spread on top of a perforated steel to get a good foundation. The Animator can then use magnets to keep the characters in place, and the use of steel to put up a tree, farmhouse, barn and other parts of the set remains in place.

3. Making of model 
Model-makers make the Lamb, then wrapping the body shaping their bodies with white wool. Feathers are then slightly doped and legs made of silicone added. And last head that can be mounted and removed dibadan. We have a number of bodies, some of them have four legs, and some are just two, depending on the scene, said Chris.

4. Propping up
Property maker called to make everything from a sheep-sized beach towel, bath toys to Timmy, and even a table for the magic. Prop maker Helen Javes said: everything is created manually, making it very complicated. Even leg table created manually in order to get the right shape. But the job is not without risk of prop maker. Teriris finger, sharp knife and caught fire due to heat from the glue is the risk of daily work.

5. The expression of the eyes
Sheep's eyes have tiny holes so they can be manipulated to make them look to the left, right, up, down. Each animator also have special eyelids made dozens of small pieces of purple dome-shaped playdough can be added to make eyeballs flashing sheep, or look sleepy. Because sheep do not speak, they use expressions to tell stories or give a moment of comedy. eyelid merka is torment for the animator's eye.

6. Storage
When not in use, the sheep and the sheep pieces can be found stored in the shelf in between room studio in Aardman Animation, here can find a backup to Shaun's feet, a little extra fluff, and one or two sheep are broken!

7. Slapstik comedy
Apart from a few sound of bleating Shaun and his friends, sound  from Bitzer and the grunts from farmers, Shaun and the sheep is the TV series silent but while Gromit, Wallace has a voice to keep the story going on in their films, Shaun does not have that luxury.

It's easier to make a lip-sync animation because it is one of the most time consuming aspect for animators, " said Chris.

8. Patient and careful
A character in Shaun and the sheep moved 25 times per second, meaning the animators had to rearrange scene 1,500 times only one minute of footage. They average finishing seven seconds of footage per day. It seems not so much, but when compared with Wallace and Gromit: The Curse of The Were-Rabbit and Chicken Run, they work with very high speeds


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