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Showing posts from March, 2012

Minister takes command of toll gate jam

State-Owned Enterprises Minister Dahlan Iskan became “furious” and took things into his own hands at the Senayan toll gate early on Tuesday, after he found himself stuck in a severe traffic jam. He decided that he was not going to take it anymore. “I was not only angry. I was extremely furious,” Dahlan said afterward. The minister was on his way to a meeting at Garuda Indonesia’s offices when he found 30 cars waiting to enter the Senayan toll gate, near the Sultan Hotel in South Jakarta, at 6:10 a.m. Frustrated at the delay, Dahlan exited his vehicle to inspect the booths, discovering that only two of the four booths at the gate were at work — one manned, one was automated. The minister did what many Jakartans can only dream about, and entered the vacant booths and threw the operators’ chairs onto the road. “These chairs are useless,” he said. As the line of vehicles at the gate continued to grow, Dahlan, taking command of the situation, told attendants to open the unused gates and let...

Revisi TOEFL English Business

EXERCISE A 1. In the morning after the concert was tired Answer : WRONG , because there is no subject in the sentence. Example : She, He, etc. and The verb is “was” The right sentence is : In the morning after the concert She was tired. 6. The new student in the class very talkative and friendly. Answer : WRONG , because there is no verb. The right sentence is : The new student in the class is very talkative and friendly. EXERCISE B 2. The doctor gave the patient a prescription. Answer : TRUE , because the sentence gave as a verb and the doctor as a subject. 5. Pleasantly greets everyone in all the offices every morning. Answer : WRONG , because there is no Subject. The right sentence is : She pleasantly greets everyone in all the offices every morning. OR She greets everyone in all the offices every morning pleasantly. TOEFL EXERCISE 1. Mark Twain …..the years after the Civil War the “Gilded Age”. A. called C. calling B. he called ...

Ahmadinejad, Makar Syi’ah, dan Perang Akhir Zaman

Weekly Report - Kagum dengan kepemimpinan Ahmadinejad? Terinspirasi dengan Revolusi Iran? Itulah makar Syi’ah dan tipuan Dajjal menjelang perang akhir zaman. Sebagaimana karakter Dajjal penipu dan pendusta, maka para pengikutnyapun melakukan hal yang sama. Al Haq (kebenaran) disalahkan dan al bathil (kesesatan) dibela. Di tangan Dajjal, air menjadi api dan api menjadi air, bersama Dajjal surga dan neraka, namun nerakanya adalah surga dan surganya adalah neraka. Kaum Muslimin tidak boleh tertipu dengan penampilan “luar” Ahmadinejad yang memesona, tapi lihatlah “dalam”nya makar syi’ah sebagaimana tipu daya Dajjal di akhir zaman. Waspadalah! Ahmadinejad, turunan Yahudi pembela Israel! Mengapa banyak kaum Muslimin terkagum-kagum pada Ahmadinejad, pemimpin negara syi’ah Iran dan menganggapnya sebagai seorang pahlawan Islam? Inilah salah satu keberhasilan tipu daya Dajjal menjelang akhir zaman. Fitnah Dajjal adalah fitnah terbesar sepanjang perjalanan hidup manusia di muka bumi sampai hari ...


Nama : Andri Gunawan NPM : 10208123 Kelas : 4ea01 EXERCISE A (Skills 1-2) : Underline the subjects and the verb twice. Circle the prepotinional phrases that come before the verb. Then indicate if the sentence are right (R) or wrong (W) . 1. In the morning after the concert was tired. Answer : Wrong (W) Reason : because there’s not a subject. EXERCISE B (Skills 1-2) : Underline the subjects and the verb twice. Circle the prepotinional phrases that come before the verb. Then indicate if the sentence are right (R) or wrong (W) . 2. The doctor gave the patient a prescription. Answer : Wrong (W) Reason : the sentence include simple present tense (give) TOEFL EXERCISE (Skills 1-2) : Choose the letter of the word of group of word that best completes the sentence. 3. _____ grow close to the ground in the short Arctic summer. a. Above tundra plants c. Tundra plants are found b. Tundra plants d. For tundra plants Answer : B. Tundra plants Reason : the sentence incl...